DK Aromatherapy / DK Cuppa Tea會員計劃是由下稱「DK」)所運作,並受以下條款及細則所約束。此計劃只適用於香港特別行政區、澳門特別行政區及在這些地區內DK實體分店及網上商店。透過申請成為DK Aromatherapy / DK Cuppa Tea會員計劃之會員、使用會員網頁或流動裝置應用程式的任何部分,即表示閣下已閱讀本條款及細則,並接受及同意受其約束。閣下亦同意向DK提供閣下的個人資料(「個人資料」根據香港法例第486章《個人資料(私隱)條例》的釋義)及同意DK可根據其個人資料(私隱)政策聲明收集及使用閣下的個人資料。
「會員」指在成功申請DK Aromatherapy / DK Cuppa Tea會員計劃後向閣下發出的會員會藉,用以獲享相關獎賞優惠。
「兌換獎賞」是指 DK會員根據年度結算日累積至指定積分,便可兌換獎賞及享用會員優惠,並於DK指定商店及網上商店兌換獎賞或享用會員優惠。
免費申請成為DK會員(包含所有會籍級別,下稱「會員」)時,不設任何入會費及消費金額。只須填寫提供之登記表格上要求之資料、同意本條款及細則及驗証手機號碼及電郵即可成為DK會員。登記途徑包括: 成功申請後,申請人(申請人必須年滿18歲)將會獲得電子會員會籍乙張名。 申請人必須確保所提供的會員登記資料全屬真實、正確、完整、沒有誤導及欺詐成份。 為方便獲悉優惠及推廣活動資訊,在首次登入時會員可能會被要求向我們補充或提供完整及準確的個人資料,包括但不限於生日資料、興趣及聯絡地址等。 每名會員只可以一個電郵及有效手機號碼登記一名會籍。 申請人必須登記正確、有效、由其本人實際擁有的手機號碼及電鄱作身份驗証。申請人於完成會員登記後會收到確認郵件作為紀錄。 在法律許可的範圍內,因顧客或會員的遺漏、疏忽及或未能向我們提供其最新的資料,或因該等資料的準確性及完整性所引致的任何索償、要求、責任或訴訟,本公司將不會承擔任何責任。
i. DK會員在過去36個月內如無任何消費記錄,會籍將自動失效,而卡內尚未使用的儲值餘額亦會被自動註銷。
ii. 銀/ 金/ 鑽石級會籍的有效期為一年。凡於會籍有效期間累積消費淨值滿指定金額,其會籍將會被自動保留並更新至下一年度。相反,如會員的累積消費淨值不足指定金額,其會籍將會被降級。有效期是指會籍的生效日期或升級日期或續會日期起計的12個月。
iii. 所有會籍將會在有效期屆滿時自動撤回。
iv. 會籍升級/降級基於累積消費淨值(不包括購買city’super禮品卡或購物禮券的消費)並由系統自動更新。符合升級成為DK 銀/ 金/ 鑽石級資格或未能延續該級會籍的會員均由系統自動處理而不可自行選擇是否升級/降級。
i. 行使會員權利及有關會員之交易,包括會員折扣、累積獎賞積分、換貨及退款等,均須出示會員號碼以作系統記錄。
ii. 每位會員所獲發的指定電子會員會籍只可由登記人使用。會籍是不可轉讓他人使用,如發現有濫用或不正當使用的情況,DK保留終止或暫停會籍的權利。
iii. 會員於DK香港網上商店購物時,必須登入其會員帳戶以獲得折扣及獎賞積分;每次交易只可接受一張會員卡作儲分、使用電子禮券或增值/儲值。
iv. 會員折扣不適用於購買禮品卡或購物禮券、已折扣及指定貨品/專櫃。詳細請參考店內貨架標籤及宣傳品。。
v. 購買禮品卡或購物禮券、增值、繳付送貨服務費或包裝服務費均不獲享任何獎賞積分、不計算為累積消費,亦不享有免費送貨服務。
vi. 會員須妥善保管及使用其會員身份,DK恕不負責任何因被盜用或遺失會員卡而導致的損失。
vii. 如會員發現使用會籍進行交易時發生任何錯誤,請即致電顧客服務熱線(852) 2386 3588 (星期一至星期日,上午11時至下8時)。
5. 獎賞積分、兌換獎賞、電子禮券及儲值
DK 會員於年度結算日前累積至指定積分,便可於年度結算日前兌換獎賞。一旦確認換領,相應積分便會被扣除。
獎賞兌換一經確認,不可更改或取消,逾期兌換無效及恕不接受追溯申請。已成功兌換的會員於分店領取獎賞時必須出示有效會員卡及確認短訊 / 電郵。
DK有權隨時修改此會員兌換禮遇之使用條款而不作另行通知。如有爭議,將以 City Super Limited 之最終決定為準。
i. DK會透過電郵或手機短訊向會員發送會員優惠及推廣的通知。會員須提供正確的電郵地址及手機號碼,以免錯失重要通知。
ii. DK對未能成功傳送的電郵或手機短訊概不負責。
iii. 因任何電腦技術或系統問題而造成的積分損失,DK恕不負責。
iv. DK有絕對的酌情權以任何理由拒絕及/或撤銷任何申請者的會籍申請,及終止及/或取消其會籍。若會籍因任何原因被我們終止,所有相關積分亦會被立即註銷。
v. 如法院裁定本條款及細則內任何條款無效或不可強制執行,其餘條款將不受上述無效或不可強制執行影響,並將繼續具十足效力及作用。
vi. 本條款及細則受香港特別行政區的法律管限,而會員均同意受香港法院的專有審判權所限。
vii. DK保留隨時在不另行通知的情況下修改本條款及細則的權利。
viii. 如有任何爭議,DK保留最終決定權。
ix. 如中文版本與英文版本有任何差異,應以英文版本為準。
DK Aromatherapy / DK Cuppa Tea membership
program is operated by ("DK") and is governed by the
following Terms and Conditions. The Programme shall only be valid within the
Hong Kong SAR, Macao SAR and at physical DK stores/the eShop within those
territories. By applying for DK membership, or using any part of the member
site, you agree that you have read these Terms and Conditions and that you
accept and agree to be bound by them; you further agree to provide with us
your personal data (“Personal Data”, as defined in the Personal Data
(Privacy) Ordinance (Cap.486) of Hong Kong), and agree that we may collect
and use your Personal Data in accordance with our Privacy Policy Statement.
"Membership" means the membership issued to you to enjoy benefits upon successful registration with the DK Aromatherapy / DK Cuppa Tea membership programme. Unless otherwise specified, it refers to the electronic membership
"Loyalty Points" means the points awarded to you based on net purchases at DK stores and eShop
"Reward Redemption” means that on the anniversary date, DK-gold members can redeem the corresponding reward at DK’s shop and e-Shop.
"Effective Period" means the 12 months following the membership effective date, upgrade date or renewal date.
"Stores" means physical retail outlets operated by DK in Hong Kong.
"eShop" means the online retail outlet.
2 Application for Membership
Application for DK membership (“member”, including all membership tiers) is free upon filling in the required information on the registration form provided by DK, agreeing to these Terms and Conditions and completing the verification of the applicant’s email and mobile phone number. No membership fee and minimum spending are required for basic membership registration. If an application is successful, the applicant, who must be aged 18 years or above, will be given one electronic membership. Applicants must ensure that the information submitted on the registration form is authentic, accurate, complete, not misleading and without any elements of fraud. To ensure DK members receive promotional offers and discounts, members may be requested to supplement or provide us with their complete and accurate personal data, including but not limited to their membership birthday information, interest and address upon logging in for the first time. Each member can only register once with valid email and mobile phone number. Applicants must register a correct and valid mobile number and email to receive an SMS authentication or email validation. Applicants must be the legitimate owner of the registered email and mobile number. An email will be sent to a new member after successful registration for their records. To the extent permitted by law, we shall not be liable for any claim, demand, liability or action resulting from customer’s/member's omission, neglect and/or failure to supply us with their updated information, or from the accuracy and completeness of those data.
3Membership & Validity
i. DK membership will automatically expire if no purchase has been recorded in the past 36 months; in this case all unused stored value will be automatically forfeited.
ii. Silver / Gold / Diamond membership is valid for one year. Once a member accumulates to designated net spending within the membership effective period, his/her membership will be automatically retained and renewed for the next year; conversely, if a member's accumulative net spending is less than designated amount, his/her membership will be downgraded accordingly. Effective period refers to the 12 months following the membership effective date, upgrade date or renewal date.
iii. All membership accumulative spending will be automatically reset to zero at the end of the effective period.
iv. Membership upgrades and downgrades are automatically handled by the system, based on accumulated spending where purchase of Gift Cards and Shopping Vouchers are excluded. Members cannot choose to be upgraded or not to be downgraded.
4Membership Usage & Member Discounts
i. Any exercise of membership rights and any member-related transactions including member discounts, loyalty point accumulation, product exchange, refunds and so on must be made with a membership number for record-keeping purposes.
ii. A member can only use his or her designated electronic membership number to enjoy membership privilege. The membership is non-transferrable. If abuse or misuse is found, DK reserves the right to terminate or suspend the membership.
iii. For any purchase at the DK Hong Kong eShop, a member must log into his or her membership account to obtain the discount and loyalty points; only one membership account can accumulate loyalty points or use eCoupons or stored value for each transaction.
iv. Shopping privileges are not applicable to purchases of Shopping Vouchers, Gift Cards, and discounted and specified items/counters. Please refer to instore price tags and promotional materials.
v. Purchases of Gift Cards and Shopping Vouchers, stored value top-up, delivery service charges and wrapping service charges do not qualify for any loyalty points, accumulative spending or free delivery service.
vi. Members are responsible for the maintenance and use of their membership. DK is not responsible for any loss incurred from stolen or loss of membership card.
vii. A member should notify us immediately by calling the Customer Service Hotline (852) 2366 3588 (Mondays to Sunday 11:00am to 8:00pm) if any error occurs when conducting a transaction with their membership.
5. Loyalty points, super e Reward Redemption Site, eCoupons & Stored Value
Loyalty points
By showing your DK membership number on payment, every dollar you spend at DK stores and the eShop will be converted to 1 loyalty point. Purchases of Gift Cards or Shopping Vouchers, stored value top-up, delivery charges and gift wrapping charges are not eligible. Loyalty points granted may vary in promotions.
Loyalty points are valid for 12 months following the effective date of a membership, and loyalty points collected after this date will be calculated in calendar year. Loyalty points accumulated during a calendar year are valid from the effective date until the end of that year. Expired loyalty points will be automatically forfeited.
Membership number must be presented upon transaction to earn loyalty points. Members should check and update their electronic number before payment to ensure an efficient payment process.
Spending records and loyalty points will normally be issued and updated within 36 hours of purchase, except for specified promotions.
Stored value in the membership is non-returnable, non-refundable and non-transferable; all unused balance will be forfeited when membership expires.
Members who forget their membership number can contact our staff before payment in order to record the purchase and loyalty points. Membership data will be requested for identity verification purposes.
The loyalty point records of DK shall prevail. DK will not accept any claim of missing loyalty points after transaction.
Loyalty points are non-transferable and non-divisible, and loyalty points stored in different membership cards cannot be used in combination.
For DK members - at their anniversary date, eligible members can redeem the reward corresponding to the designated number of loyalty points accumulated on member’s account within membership valid period. All canceled transactions and shopping refunds will result in the automatic deduction of loyalty points obtained from them, including the extra loyalty points earned from specific promotions.
Reward Redemption
i. Reward redemption is available while membership is valid. Redemption is available while stocks last. Any expired or invalid Reward will be forfeited and will not be re-issued.
ii. Members should redeem the reward(s) based on the number of loyalty points they are entitled to. Redemption gifts are non-refundable, and cannot be redeemed for cash, sold or exchanged for any other products or services.
iii. Reward will be deducted from members’ accounts and a confirmation SMS/email will be sent once the redemption is confirmed. The redemption cannot be changed or cancelled, expired offers will not be accepted and no retrospective arrangements will be made. Members are required to present membership numbers and confirmation SMS / email for verification upon Reward collection.
iv. Rewards must be collected on selected date and time at selected store. The expired rewards will be regarded as abandoned and no replacement will be arranged. Related loya;ty points will not be returned.
v. Certain products may be subject to seasonal and market supply. In the event that products are unavailable, DK reserves the right to substitute items using products that are of an equal value without prior notice.
vi. The results of using products may vary with an individual’s skin and physical condition. DK is not responsible for any allergic reactions.
vii. Gift redemption will be postponed or cancelled if the Tropical Cyclone Signal No. 8 (or above) or Black Rainstorm Warning Signal is announced. Whenever feasible, all gift redemption will resume as normal four hours after the signal is cancelled, depending on the time of the announcement.
viii. All reward photos are for reference only, and the actual products may vary. The rewards do not include any warranty, exchange, cash refund or change. Members are responsible for checking the quality of rewards at the time of redemption. No rewards will be re-issued and no bonus points refunded afterwards.
ix. All rewards are only available while stocks last. DK has the right to terminate the provision of particular rewards or provide similar rewards as an alternative without prior notice. DK does not guarantee any rewards will continue to be available during the promotional period.
x. DK reserves the right to amend the Terms and Conditions of gift redemption without prior notice, and of final decision on all matters of dispute.
i. Reminders of member benefits and promotions will be sent to members via email or SMS. Members should provide valid email address and mobile phone number to avoid missing out on important notices.
ii. DK is not responsible for any case of undelivered email messages or notifications.
iii. DK is not responsible for any loss of loyalty points due to technological or system problems.
iv. DK has the absolute discretion to refuse and/or revoke the registration of any applicant and to terminate and/or cancel the registration of such applicant for any reason whatsoever. In the event a membership is terminated by us for any reason(s), related loyalty points will also be forfeited immediately.
v. If any provision of these Terms and Conditions is found to be invalid or unenforceable by a court of law, such invalidity and unenforceability shall not affect the remainder of the Terms and Conditions, which shall continue in full force and effect.
vi. All terms and conditions shall be governed by the laws of the Hong Kong SAR and members agree to submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of the territory.
vii. DK reserves the right to change the Terms and Conditions without prior notice.
viii. Should there be any dispute, DK reserves the right of final decision.
ix. In case of discrepancies between the English and Chinese versions, the English version shall apply and prevail.